What Is Crystal Reading?

Crystal Reading

Crystal readings are not similar to other forms of future’s readings including tarot cards reading, crystal ball readings, and I Ching readings. They don’t predict the future. The crystal energy reading is a spiritual and empowering way to rediscover your inner power.

Crystals reflects our emotions and feelings back to us. These beautiful and ancient stones belong to Mother earth. They represent the wise Gaia’s energy. All of the energies that Mother Earth has will often be reflected in the crystals, giving them powers beyond the imagination.

Reading Crystals or Stones

To read crystals or stones, I ask the person to choose 3 gemstones from stones’ bag. The stones they feel that their energy is most connected to. These energies are there from the beginning of the reading and they don’t just go away once the gems are picked.

Why Get a Crystal Reading?

The main purpose of crystal’s reading is to evaluate personal life cycle. For example, people may ask: “why can’t I find my soul mate or life partner?”, or “why am I so lonely?” Understanding one’s computability with the world is one of the main aspects of a crystal reading.

A crystal reading can help someone to be able to understand what is going on in their life. This kind of reading can help them with their past, present and future. It is important to ask questions that are open ended and that can bring closure to someone that is suffering.

Crystals and Energies

Each gemstone has its own energy radiation and unique vibration. Crystal reading help you identify yourself better and what needs balancing and healing. It clarifies issues you are experiencing, and help helps you decide which stone you need to wear at this stage to assist you solve a specific problem and improve your situation. It also helps you heal your body and mind and bring back balance to your life.

Here are some other things that crystals can do for you:

  • Open up your third eye chakra.
  • Help you to meditate.
  • Help you to reach into the spiritual world.
  • Ground you.
  • Keep you strong in your emotions.

Crystals have become so popular over the years, and this is because of their ability to let people find comfort and balance in their lives. Crystals enable people to understand their weakness and overcome it.


  1. I appreciate the emphasis on using crystals to understand oneself better and to bring balance and healing. It seems like a holistic approach to dealing with personal issues.

  2. The part about each gemstone having its own energy and vibration is quite fascinating. It’s interesting to think about how ancient and natural these stones are and the kind of energy they might hold.

  3. The process of selecting three gemstones based on the energy connection is an interesting method. It makes me wonder how different people’s choices might reflect their current emotional states or life situations.

  4. I found the information about the practical uses of crystals, such as opening the third eye chakra or helping with meditation, to be quite insightful. It adds a layer of practicality to the otherwise mystical nature of crystals.

  5. The concept of crystal readings as described in the article is intriguing. It seems to focus more on self-reflection and personal growth rather than predicting the future, which is a refreshing perspective.

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