Spirit Quartz

Spirit Quartz

The Spirit Quartz is a very small stone but is very powerful. It can help you to have harmony and strong vibrations in your life.

The stone comes in different colors and the Amethyst one is the most desirable one. This can be a lilac color and is very common and has strong attributes that can help you to grow in your spirit.

Meaning of the Spirit Quartz

This stone is only found in South Africa and was mined by a tribe that has found the stone and took care of it. It is named the Spirit Stone because it is a color of stone that can cleanse the spirit.

This stone looks like the Citrine Crystals and can be pink, green, clear and other colors and is a Druzy quartz.

This stone is also called the Cactus Quartz Crystal because of how it looks.

Why Use It?

This stone can help you to reach universal love and can help you to forgive and love others. This stone has high vibrations and works with the crown chakra and other parts of your body to help align you and to manifest things in your life.

The stone is powerful and can help you reach your Light body and will resonate in your chakras to give you spiritual growth.


The stone can help you to reach your spiritual journey and can help you move forward fast. It is a great stone to use when you are meditating, and the color depends on the makeup of the stone. This stone can help to magnify the results of other stones and is very helpful.

How to Use It

This stone can help you to get rid of old issues and to let you let things go. It is known to help you by placing it in a room and it can help those that are dying to pass to the other side without fear.

When you lose a family or friend in your life, this stone can help you to not grieve and be too sad forever. It can help you to balance your chakras.

How Will it Help?

This stone can help you by increasing your spiritual being and your health. It can help you to be more aware of what is going on in your life and to help you get rid of negativity.

The stone will help you to heal and can bring you peace in your life. It can help you to sleep better and works well with lucid dreaming.

The stone works well with the crown chakra and can heal your body.

Spiritual Growth

This stone can help with the higher crown chakra and the soul star chakra and can help you to heal from past life experiences. This stone can help you communicate with your guides and to do your own will.

The stone can help to cleanse you and protect you. It can help you to get rid of fear and protect you from psychic attacks. The stone can help you to get rid of EMF’s in your life and to keep you safe.

Citrine Spirit Quartz

This stone is a great stone for the solar plexus chakra and is very pretty. It can help you to have spiritual growth and can work to help you have a higher self-worth and reach your higher self.

This stone is great when you want to manifest things in your life.

The stone can bring you abundance and can help you when you want to desire things. This stone can give you freedom.

Smokey Spirit Quartz

This stone can work with the root chakra and the third eye and help you to appreciate your spiritual being.  It can help you get rid of beliefs that do not benefit your life.

Using with Other Stones

This stone can be combined with other stones such as:

  • Citrine
  • Purple Amethyst
  • Smokey Quartz
  • Moldavite