

When you have ADHD or hyperactivity issues in your life, you can use the Lepidocrocite to help you. This stone can give you soothing energies and help to heal the inner child inside of you and get rid of negativity in your life.

The mineral of the stone helps you to contact the angels and can help you when you meditate. The properties of this stone can help you to get rid of fear and can get rid of other problems in your heart. It can combine you with the higher heart and help you find divine love.

Meaning of the Lepidocrocite

This stone means thread or fiber and is from the Greek words. This stone is found in places such as India, Spain and Madagascar and are often combined with quartz crystals and have a strong vibration by all people that use it.

The stones that come from Brazil are sometimes called Kokoshanite and are known as Red Fire Quartz and they are a dark red and are found where the Amethyst Crystal is. This is part of the Super Seven crystals.


This stone can help to boost your psychic communication and help you to increase your intuition.

If you keep a dream journal, you will find that this stone is great to change your life and you can keep it under your pillow while you sleep and it can help your body and mind.

This stone can help you to keep a dream record and if you use the crystal, don’t forget to write in your journal and put all the dreams that you have had and not to forget to mention your coincidence and synchronicity that happens in your life.

If you haven’t noticed things that happen in your life before, pay attention to things as they change and the synchronistic events that come. Allow the flow of coincidence and synchronicity to flow through your life and use this stone to make negative karma go away.

This stone can help to boost your heart chakra and can bring energies and power to your higher chakras. Everyone has different experiences and wants to have their psychic gifts open and this stone can help to increase your gifts such as your clairvoyance and your visions.

You can get rid of negative or stagnant energies by using this stone and it can cleanse your auric field.

You can enjoy this stone for all areas of your life and if you are doing spiritual work and need to connect with your spirit guide, it can help you naturally to do that. This stone can help you to make contact and can be a lovely stone to use.

This stone works with the chakras and will align all of your chakras and will help to kindle love and harmony in your body and will give action to the emotional body.

The vibrations can give you strength and help you to not judge issues and other people. This is a great stone if you need to heal any holes in your aura and if you need to have loving energy and relationship help in your life.

How to Use This Stone

This is a protection stone and can help you contact your spirit guides. It can help you to let go of things and to work with your angels and your guides. If you have contacted your spirit guides, this can help you to hear more and to understand how powerful they are for you.

This stone helps you to let go of things that manifest diseases.

The stone is great for healers and can help the body where it needs it most.

Why Use This Stone?

If you need to have inner child healing, you can use this, and it will bring old issues to your mind so that you can release them and heal.

The problems that you have can help you to get rid of things and help you to forgive yourself. You can get rid of blockages and release vibrations of this stone. If you are in a romantic relationship, this can help you communicate better and works with your higher heart chakra.

If you are dealing with issues, you can ask for help from the divine guidance and this stone will help you.

Who Should Use It?

This stone is great if you have ADHD, hyperactivity, bipolar or other disorders or if you need to heal your relationships.

This stone can open up your heart to the divine and help to heal you emotionally. It can also protect you from negativity and align your will.

How Will it Help?

This stone can help in many ways including:

  • Calm you
  • Help with ADHD
  • Aid with Bipolar
  • Strengthen the blood.
  • Help align cells.
  • Influence healing in the liver.
  • Help with the reproductive issues.
  • Heal your holes in your aura.
  • Help with pre-menstrual situations.
  • Calm your feelings.
  • Let go of grief and depression.

Using with Other Stones

When you need to have more love and compassion and you need to balance and ground your heart chakra, you can use this stone and combine it with other heart chakra stones to help you reach that goal:

  • Pink Rhodochrosite
  • Tinaksite
  • Tibetian
  • Tektite
  • Libyan Gold Tektite
  • Moldavite
  • Libyan Desert Glass

If you need help with your emotions or need emotional healing, you can use this stone and other stones that can assist you in this issue:

  • Emeralds
  • Green Apophyllite
  • Mangano Calcite
  • Rhodonite
  • Lilac Lepidolite
  • Calcite
  • Pink Rhodochrosite

Communicating with your angels is important to give you peace, love and understanding. When you want to increase your gifts and find out what your psychic gifts are, you can communicate with your angels to find out. You can also talk to your angels and they can help you to solve problems and to be able to do things that you were unsure of, and they can give you mental clarity to make decisions. Combine this stone with these other stones to increase your angelic communication:

  • Aragonite Star Clusters
  • Pink Petalite
  • Blue Celestite
  • Lemurian Seed Crystals
  • Ajoite in Quartz
  • Selenite
  • Angelite
  • Green Prehnite Crystals
  • Aragonite Star Clusters

If you practice Reiki, then you will need to keep your strength up and you can do this by using other stones that stimulate the reiki energy such as:

  • Fenster Quartz
  • Ascension Stone
  • Pollucite
  • Tunellite

Letting go of grief is hard and if you have lost someone that you have loved or if you have experienced some kind of loss that has caused you to have pent up grief, this is a great stone for your life. Use this stone and combine with these so that you can let yourself let go of grief:

  • Aquamarine
  • Jeremejevite
  • Diopside
  • Stilbite
  • Tugtupite
  • Spurrite
  • Cavansite
  • Spurrite
  • Stillbite

If you need to improve and boost your relationships and if you need to be more loyal, you can combine this stone with these stones to help you:

  • Uvarovite
  • Vesuvianite
  • Astrophyllite
  • Malachite
  • Emerald
  • Garnet
  • Jasper
  • Dalmatian Stone


  1. The article provides an interesting perspective on the uses and benefits of Lepidocrocite. I appreciate the detailed explanation of how this stone supports emotional healing and enhances psychic abilities. However, I would like to see some scientific evidence to back up these claims.

  2. The article does a good job of outlining the spiritual and emotional benefits of using Lepidocrocite. It’s fascinating to consider the stone’s role in enhancing psychic communication and intuition. Nonetheless, additional empirical data would strengthen the argument.

  3. While the article highlights numerous benefits of Lepidocrocite in both emotional and physical realms, it would be beneficial to include more references to studies or expert opinions. The list of complementary stones for various purposes is a nice touch, providing practical advice for users.

  4. The description of Lepidocrocite’s properties and its connection to various chakras is quite thorough. It’s intriguing to learn about its potential to aid in conditions like ADHD and bipolar disorder. I wonder if there are any studies that explore these effects more scientifically.

  5. This piece offers a comprehensive guide on the various applications of Lepidocrocite, especially in the context of healing and spiritual practices. The connections between different stones and their combined effects are particularly useful for practitioners. Still, I would be interested in seeing more robust validation for these claims.


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