Using Powerful Crystals

Powerful Crystals

If you like using crystals, there are some that are very powerful, but some people aren’t sure where to start with crystals. Crystals can come in different forms, and they have different powers. Crystals that are the most powerful are the ones that have different properties. Clear Quartz, for example, can be used to help boost creativity, help you to manifest things in your life and is a great healing stone, to name a few properties.

Confident Boosting Crystals

Do you sabotage yourself and fall into patterns that seem to destroy your life? There are some crystals that can give you health and strength and protect you from negativity. You can put these in your pocket, hold them while you meditate or put them under your pillow while you’re sleeping. These are stones that can boost your confidence. Here are some of the best confident boosting stones!

  • Aquamarine

This stone is one that can give you courage and is known as the Merchant Stone because it would give merchants courage as they traveled. You can use this to keep yourself calm and to help you to communicate better.

  • Amazonite

This is the Stone of Hope because it helps to calm you and to clear your mind. It can help you to get rid of negative thinking and can bring wealth to your life.

  • Black Tourmaline

When you need protected or you need to cleanse your chakras, this stone can help you. It can boost your confidence and help you to face your fears. If you need ground or you need to be protected from EMF or other things, use this stone.

  • Carnelian

Carnelian is a stone that can bring bravery and can give you power. It helps with the Sacral chakra and can give you inner light.

  • Garnet

This stone can fill your soul and if you doubt yourself then you should carry this crystal with you. There are six kinds of Garnet and each of them have powers to help you to manifest things in your life, to help you embrace opportunities and can help you if you need to take a different path.

  • Rose Quartz

This stone is considered the Love Stone, and it helps you to love yourself and to love others. When you are struggling with love and you have lost yourself, use this crystal to help build up your confidence.

  • Ruby

Ruby is a stone that works with the Heart chakra, and it can help you to reach your life goals. It can help you to have more passions and to look for the right kind of love.

  • Sodalite

This stone can help you to express yourself and can bring healing to your body. If you need more intuition, you can use this crystal and it can help you to set stronger boundaries.

  • Sunstone

If you need energy and you need to strengthen your lower chakras, this stone can help you. It can help you to have more light and help you to be more positive. If you struggle with your self-esteem, use this crystal.

  • Tiger’s Eye

When you need to be a strong leader, use this crystal. You can use it to get rid of your tiredness. It will help to protect you and guide you. When you need to be more creative or get rid of criticism you can use this stone to help you. This stone helps you to love yourself more.

Charging and Cleansing Your Stones

You can charge and cleanse your stones so that you can get rid of any negative energy that might absorb in your stone. This can allow you to reach your higher self. If the crystals are full of negative energy, then you can get rid of the negative energy and make your stones stronger. Here is how to cleanse them!

    • Smudge them with your favorite herb.
    • Put them under running water.
    • Put them in sea salt.
    • Leave them in the sunlight.
    • Leave them in the moonlight.
    • Put them in soil overnight.
    • Put them in the wind.
    • Put them close to a quartz crystal.

Creative Crystals

When you need to be more creative, here are some crystals that can take away your creative blocks and bring out your energies!

  • Apatite

Not only is this a healing stone, but it can also lead you down the right path. This can help you to solve problems and to be more creative.

  • Bloodstone

This is a Warrior Stone” and it helps people to be bold and to find their life purpose. It can get rid of stress and bring calmness.

  • Celestine

When you need peace and to connect with yourself, use this crystal. It can cleanse your inner man and help you to be more inspired.

  • Citrine

Citrine is a healing crystal, and it can help you to attract prosperity to your life. It can also help you to have more inspiration and to get rid of inner demons. It can bring out your power and your confidence.

  • Clear Quartz

Clear Quartz is a healing stone, and it can get rid of negativity that is inside of you. It can bring you positivity and help you to be more creative. It can also increase your vibrations.

  • Rainbow Moonstone

This stone is one that helps you to be wise and can help you to be more creative.

  • Red Jasper

The Red Jasper can help you to be stronger in y our emotions and it can open up your mind and body to your Kundalini awakening. It can help you to be more creative and to reach your goals. It helps to get rid of self-doubt.

  • Labradorite

Labradorite is one that can encourage you to try new things. It can change your life and give you courage.

  • Lapis Lazuli

If you keep putting yourself down with negative self-talk then you need this stone to help balance your Throat chakra. It also can give you wisdom and can help you to communicate with others better.

  • Pyrite

Pyrite is one that can manifest abundance in your life. It can bring you wealth and help you to have more business and better relationships.

Prosperity Crystals

When you need prosperity, here are some of the crystals that you can use!

  • Agate

Agate is one that can help you to manifest things in your life. Fire Agate can help you to make your dreams come true and to have more inner strength.

  • Black Obsidian

This is a protective stone, and it can bring stability to your life. It can get rid of old habits and help you to be brave in your life journey.

  • Emerald

Emerald is one that can bring peace and wisdom to your life. It can help you to focus on things that you want and to not be distracted.

  • Green Aventurine

This is a stone called the “Gambler’s Stone” because it helps to bring luck in your life. If you need to have better energy, use this stone. It can also help you to manifest things in your life. It can encourage you to have more love and to clear your path in front of you.

  • Green Jade

Jade is one that can bring money into your life. It is one that you can wear, and it will bring prosperity. It is associated with good luck and can bring you peace.

  • Hematite

Hematite has strong energy, and it can help to boost your self-esteem. It can help you to stay in control of your life and it encourages you to reach your desires.

  • Malachite

This stone can help you to get rid of beliefs that have limited you and it works with the Heart chakra to help you to love others and yourself. It can motivate you and help you to have more strength and to keep pushing forward.

  • Moonstone

Moonstone helps you to get rid of attachments and to get rid of negative thinking. It has divine feminine energy and works with the Crown, Heart, and Third Eye chakra. It can help you when life is changing.

  • Blue Topaz

This stone is one that can bring you prosperity and helps you to say what you’re feeling. It can help you to channel your energy and it can help you to feel worth more than you do. It gets rid of brain clutter and helps you to communicate better.

  • Turquoise

Turquoise is one that can help you to have more income and can help you to have more value. It can calm you and it protects you.

Wealth Corner

You can find the corner of your room that is on the left that can bring wealth into your life. This can be the place that amplifies your prosperity and your luck.

Motivation Crystals

When you need to reach your goals and to feel more motivated, you can use these crystals by sleeping with them under your pillow or keeping them in your purse or pocket. They can boost your productivity and help you to feel more determined.

  • Almandine Garnet

Motivation can increase and you can have more physical strength with this crystal.

  • Blue Apatite

This stone can help you t have new ideas and to make positive choices.

  • Blue Lace Agate

When you need to have better visions and to have more clarity, this can help you.

  • Bumblebee Jasper

This stone is one that works with the Solar Plexus and Third Eye chakra. It can bring you energy and help you to be more positive.

  • Fluorite

Fluorite helps you to manifest things in your life and can help you to have more creative ideas.

  • Jade

This stone can help you to open the Third Eye charka and can encourage healing and fortune.

  • Leopard skin Jasper

When you need to have more protection and courage, this is a great stone.

  • Lepidocrocite

This encourages you to have self-worth and helps you to reach your goals.

  • Orange Calcite

This stone will give you passion and will help you to motivate yourself to do better and to have change.

  • Red Aventurine

This is a helping stone that will help you to reach your life path.

  • Red Calcite

When you need more mental focus it can help you to be creative and to reach your goals.

  • Red Tiger’s Eye

This will balance your chakras and will give you more prosperity and motivation.

  • Tangerine Quartz

This stone can help to open up the Heart chakra and makes you more confident.

  • Tanzanite

This is a good luck stone, and it can bring you luck and peace and make you connected to the universe.

Healing Crystals

These are some of the stones that can bring you peace and can calm your auras. They can help to calm your emotions and bring you peace.

  • Amethyst

When you need to connect with the spiritual world, use this crystal. It can get rid of stress, and it can increase your consciousness. It can help you to be more positive and bring abundance to your life.

  • Howlite

Howlite is one that can calm you and one that can get rid of anger and help you to love yourself more. It can help you to have peaceful emotions. Use it while you meditate.

  • Peridot

This stone is one that can help you to feel happy and can bring you balance. It can clear your blockages in your energy and can get rid of dead energy. It can change your anger into peace and calmness.

  • Smoky Quartz

This is s stone that brings healing and can help you to get rid of negativity in your life. If you are angry and you need to get rid of it, use this while you meditate. It is often used by Reiki healers to get rid of stress.

Final Thoughts

Crystals can help to bring healing to your life, and they can also help to bring goodness inside of you such as creativity, health, wealth and more. Healing crystals can heal your aura and they can change your mindset form negative to positive.

There are many positive changes that can happen in your life if you use crystals. Find the ones that resonate within you and get them and add them to your collection.


  1. This is a well-written piece that offers a lot of information on different types of crystals and their uses. The categorization into confident boosting, creative, and prosperity crystals makes it easier for readers to identify which stones might suit their needs best. The practical tips on charging and cleansing are very helpful.

  2. The variety and properties of the crystals mentioned are quite impressive. I appreciate the detailed descriptions, particularly the inclusion of practical uses like meditation and placing them under pillows. It’s a useful guide for those new to the world of crystals.

  3. This article provides a comprehensive overview of different crystals and their potential benefits. The section on cleansing and charging the stones is particularly useful, as it ensures that users can maximize the efficacy of their crystals.

  4. The detailed explanations of each crystal’s properties and applications are informative. I find the recommendations for specific purposes, such as boosting creativity or gaining protection, to be particularly insightful. It’s a good starting point for anyone interested in exploring crystal uses.

  5. The article covers a broad spectrum of crystals and their supposed benefits. The inclusion of various methods to cleanse and charge the stones is a nice touch, providing practical advice for users to follow. Overall, it’s a well-rounded resource for crystal enthusiasts.


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