

If you want to have joy and harmony in your life, the Variscite is a great stone to own. This stone can help you to find inner peace and to solve problems in your life. It can help to get rid of anxiety and stress and help you to trust your spirit guides more.

The stone is great for someone that has cared for someone that is sick for a long time and can help you to discover more about your past life. It can also help you figure out why you are ill.

Meaning of the Variscite

This stone comes from places such as Germany, Bolivia, Austria, Czech Republic, Australia and the USA. This stone is sometimes called the Utalite because it is found in Utah.

The stone was originally discovered in Germany and can be different shades of green and maybe blue and grey or white.

Why Use It?

This stone can help to heal the heart and heal emotional problems. It works well with the heart chakra and can help you if you are a Light body worker. It can help to stimulate your life.

The stone can help to heal problems in your emotions and if you are losing hope for the future, this is a good stone to have.

This stone can help you to get rid of stress and to connect to the earth and have universal love. The stone can get rid of disharmony.

This stone can bring you love and get rid of feelings of stress and anxiety and help you embrace the joy of the spirit.

How to Use It

This stone can help you when you use it in meditation and can help to calm your mind and to bring you peace.

The stone can help you with your spirit and can be helpful if you want to connect with the spirit guides. The stone can bring you love and compassion and can help you have self-love.

The stone can relieve stress and can help you to deal with problems in your life.

Who Should Use It?

This stone can help you with your nervous system and if you have male reproductive issues or impotence. The stone can also help with things such as:

  • Blood flow.
  • Elasticity of skin and veins.
  • Help with abdominal distension.
  • Neutralizes acid.
  • Gets rid of gout and ulcers.
  • Helps with rheumatism.
  • Manifests ideas.
  • Helps solve problems.
  • Helps to bring money.
  • Helps to give things that you do not have many of in life.

How Will it Help You?

This stone can help to ground you and to connect with people that you do not have commonalities with. It can help you if you are not having harmony at your job and can help you to respect others more and to get rid of negativity.

The stone can help you to have better work and life relationships and can help you deal with people that believe differently than you do.

This stone can help you to let people have their own opinions no matter what you believe. This stone is great to hold in your pocket or to keep on your body.

Wear Variscite

This stone is a great stone to wear close to your heart and makes pretty jewelry. It is part of the Taurus birthstone and can give you clear thinking and can help you to release stress and heal your emotions.

This stone can help you to learn better and to solve problems.

Harmony and Peace

This stone works with the heart chakra and can help you if you have been sick for a long time. If you feel sad about something and you have been ill, this can help you.

The stone can help you to learn about your past life and to have more trust in the spirit world and have peace and compassion in your own life.

Using with Other Stones

If you need to have a higher heart and higher mind you can combine this stone with these other powerful crystals:

  • Pink Tourmaline
  • Rose Quartz Crystal
  • Emeralds
  • Morganite

You can also use other higher heart crystals such as:

  • Pink Danburite
  • Pink Tugtupite
  • Pink Kunzite

If you need to have self-healing and self-love, you can combine with these stones:

  • Unakite
  • Vivianite
  • Blue Hemimorphite
  • Stichtite
  • Azurite

When you need help solving problems, you can use this stone and combine it with other stones such as:

  • Scapolite
  • Zebra Stone
  • Tourmilated Quartz
  • Thulite
  • Spurrite
  • Sphene
  • Titanite
  • Thaumasite
  • Datolite
  • Blue Muscovite


  1. The detailed explanation of how to use Variscite in meditation and daily life is very helpful. It gives practical steps on how to integrate this stone into one’s life for maximum benefit.

  2. The suggested combinations with other crystals like Pink Tourmaline and Rose Quartz are quite insightful. It’s useful to know how to enhance the effects of Variscite for different needs, whether it’s for emotional healing or problem-solving.

  3. The diverse applications of Variscite, particularly its use in addressing physical ailments like abdominal distension and rheumatism, make it a versatile stone. The historical names and origins also add an interesting historical dimension.

  4. I find it fascinating that a single mineral can offer so many varied benefits. The geographical origins of Variscite and the historical context provided add an extra layer of depth to its significance.

  5. The Variscite stone seems to have a broad spectrum of benefits, ranging from emotional healing to physical health improvements. Its connection with the heart chakra is particularly intriguing for those interested in energy healing.


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