Blue Euclase

Blue Euclase

The Blue Euclase is a stone that can bring you joy and happiness. This stone is part of the throat chakra and can help you to communicate and to understand your giftings. These stones are helpful if you want to increase your intuition and can help you in your daily life with coincidence and synchronicity.

They have other healing attributes and help you to understand sacred geometry and help you see if people are telling the truth.

Meaning of the Blue Euclase

This stone is high in Beryllium and is part of the Beryllium aluminum hydroxide silicate mineral and belongs to the Datolite family. Most of the stones form into crystals but some clusters are seen but are not very common.

This crystal comes in different colors of blue such as pale blue to bright blue and even green and white and colorless. These crystals are flat on the top with prismatic and striations down the sides and look a lot like Tourmaline.

There are different meanings of this stone including two Greek words meaning “Eu,” which means “well” and “kiasses” which means “fractures.” This stone is found in Brazil, China, Columbia, Austria, and Zimbabwe.

Why Use This Stone?

This stone can help you feel more joyous and can make you feel better each day. The energies of this stone will work with your crown, third eye and heart chakra and can help you to grow your psychic giftings.

You can use this stone when you meditate each day to your advantage, and it can help you to communicate better. This stone can help you to speak truth and help you to understand the meaning behind Sacred Geometry.

Who Should Use This Stone?

This stone is easy to buy and is pretty to wear. It can make beautiful jewelry and it is the right size that it is easy to wear. This stone is great and has great properties and so you can get it to wear, or you can keep it in your pocket so that you can experience things that you need in your life.

If you want to experience coincidence and synchronicity, this is the stone for you, and it can help manifest situations in your life.

It will also help you to be more honest when you are used to being dishonest with people. This stone will cleanse your energy fields so you can understand Sacred Geometry and it gives actions to be truthful even when you are not speaking.

This stone can see dishonesty in others and help you to be aware of that and can be used for empaths who pick up negative energies.

Healing Attributes

This stone has many healing attributes such as:

  • Healing of broken bones.
  • Gets rid of swelling and inflammation.
  • Works to get rid of tension and muscle cramps
  • Assists in health issues.
  • Heals fungus and bacteria.
  • You can make an elixir from the stone.

When making elixirs, you need to have a glass between the stone and water to make sure that it takes care of toxins in the stone. Even if the stone has no toxins, cleaning it may help it to be grounded if ingested.

Wearing This Stone

This is a pretty stone to wear and is beneficial to your health to make you feel better each day. It is a good stone to keep on your body and can be helpful for many reasons. If you can’t wear it as jewelry, use it in your pocket.

Using with Other Stones

Communicating with your angels is important to give you peace, love and understanding. When you want to increase your gifts and find out what your psychic gifts are, you can communicate with your angels to find out.

You can also talk to your angels, and they can help you to solve problems and to be able to do things that you were unsure of, and they can give you mental clarity to make decisions. Combine this stone with these other stones to increase your angelic communication:

  • Aragonite Star Clusters
  • Pink Petalite
  • Blue Celestite
  • Lemurian Seed Crystals
  • Ajoite in Quartz
  • Selenite
  • Angelite

Green Prehnite Crystals

If you need to have strength from psychic attacks, you can combine this stone with throat chakra stones in order to make sure that you have guidance and increase in your wisdom. This can be combined with these stones:

  • Cavansite
  • Chiastolite
  • Afghanite
  • Goethite
  • White Heulandite
  • Prophecy Stone
  • Shaman Stone
  • Menalite
  • Aquamarine

When you need to increase your coincidence and synchronicity in your life, you will see that these stones can increase your energies and can help your life. This can boost the coincidences that come into your life. Combine this stone with these stones to increase the likeliness of this happening:

  • Benitoite
  • Lilac Lepidolite
  • Ruby
  • Galaxyte
  • Malachite
  • Serendibite

If you need courage and you need to activate good feelings this is a great stone. This stone can help to bring joy and happiness if it is combined with these stones:

  • Euclase
  • Peridot
  • Ocean Jasper
  • Adamite
  • Rainforest Jasper

This stone can be combined with these stones to help you to be more truthful such as:

  • Blue Sodalite
  • Clear Topaz
  • Euclase
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Sunstones
  • Shattuckite

When you need to develop your giftings and your psychic intuition, you can do this by meditating and using stones to help raise these vibrations. Intuition is a gut feeling and allows you to know things. You can increase this intuition by using this stone and combining with these other stones such as:

  • Blue Celestite
  • Lepidocrocite
  • Apatite
  • Aventurine
  • Labradorite
  • Lavender Purple Lolite
  • Blue Aventurine
  • Dumortierite
  • Blue Appetite


  1. The detailed description of the Blue Euclase and its various attributes is quite intriguing. I appreciate the thorough exploration of how this stone can be used in conjunction with other minerals for different purposes.

  2. Combining Blue Euclase with other stones for enhanced effects appears to be a well-thought-out practice. The list of compatible stones for various needs is a valuable resource.

  3. The multi-faceted uses of Blue Euclase, from joy and happiness to health benefits, make it a versatile stone. It’s interesting to see such comprehensive coverage of its potential uses.

  4. It’s fascinating how the Blue Euclase is linked to both physical and metaphysical healing properties. The connections to sacred geometry and intuitive development are particularly noteworthy.

  5. The discussion on how to use Blue Euclase in elixirs and the precautions to take is informative. Such practical advice is helpful for those new to using crystals.

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