Yellow Apatite

Yellow Apatite

The Yellow Apatite can help to stimulate your mind and can help you to have more prosperity. This stone can help you to lose weight and can help you to manifest things into your life.

If you need to have more willpower, this is a great stone to use and can help you to be more confident. The stone is part of the fire element and can give you clear thinking.

Meaning of Apatite

This stone is found in Mexico, Norway, Russia, Brazil, Canada and the USA and is a hexagonal crystal.

The name of this stone comes from the Greek word, “Apatao” which means “deceiving.”  This stone can help you, but it is often mistaken for other stones because of the coloring of it. It can come in green, yellow and other colors and is a prismatic or massive crystal.

Why Use It?

This stone is a good stone if you want to have a good vibration and if you want to have the yellow ray following you.

This stone can give you clarity in your mind and increase your will and confidence. The stone can work with your sacral chakra and helps to bring abundance and manifestation.

It takes away limits you put on yourself. This stone gives you good vibrations and can help you to have love and support.

Weight Loss

If you are struggling to lose weight, you can use this stone to help you. This can be an extra protection to your life. If you have a stone that works for your body, use it each day. Use a stone that you can wear as jewelry on your body so that you can feel the energies of the stone.

This stone can give you Golden Apatite energy that takes away stagnant energies and can heal the gall bladder and spleen and detoxify the body. This stone can remove cellulite and can help you with self-confidence and courage. It can help you to be more confident and not to be shy.

If you need your immune system boosted, this is a great stone and it can help you by increasing your vibrations.

How to Use It

This stone can help you when you meditate daily and can help you to be successful and to follow your ideas. This stone can enhance your creativity and can help you if you keep it on your body for long periods of time.

You can put this stone under your pillow or put it in your pocket if you don’t make it into jewelry.

Positive Energies

This stone can help you to give you positive energies and you can keep it in your auric field and it can help you to have new ideas and can help you to think about things that interest you. This stone can help you to be successful and can help you in many other ways.

How Will it Help You?

There are many ways this stone can help you such as:

  • Help you manifest things.
  • Manifest money in your life.
  • Help you be more attractive.
  • Help you if you start a new business.
  • Encourage better finances.
  • Works with the solar plexus chakra.
  • Gives you willpower.
  • Gives you confidence.

Using with Other Stones

When you need to increase your finances and you need to call money to yourself, you can do this by using this stone and combining these other stones:

  • Golden Rutilated Quartz
  • Vanadinite
  • Yellow Sapphire
  • Citrine

Having a clear mind is important and you want to make sure that you are ready to answer questions and to be strong in your mind. If you have to have answers or need to have a clear mind for any purpose, you can add this stone and these others to have better mental clarity:

  • Marisposite
  • Magnetite
  • Thomasonite
  • Pudding Stone
  • Pollucite

When you want to increase your creativity and if you do things such as sing, art, painting, music, dance or other creative gifts, you can increase them with this stone. You can also find your creative side when you combine this stone with these other stones:

  • Orange Carnelian
  • Orange Creedite
  • Golden Yellow Labradorite
  • Libyan Desert Glass
  • Libyan Gold Tektite
  • Brazilianite
  • Yellow Apatite
  • Heliodor
  • Amber
  • Orange Carnelian
  • Orange Creedite

When you need to lose weight, this is a great stone to help you with that. You can combine this with these stones to increase your progress:

  • Yellow Apatite
  • Diaspore
  • Picasso Stone
  • Picasso Marble
  • Green Tourmaline

If you need to manifest things and help to bring things to you, use this stone to combine with these stones such as:

  • Libyan Gold Tektite
  • Sunstones
  • Polychrome Jasper
  • Cassiterite
  • Chalcopyrite
  • Golden Topaz
  • Amber
  • Fire Agate
  • Libyan Desert Glass


  1. The holistic approach proposed in the article, utilizing Yellow Apatite for various aspects of life, is quite interesting. The detailed list of companion stones for different objectives provides useful guidance for those interested in crystal healing practices.

  2. While the claims about Yellow Apatite’s benefits are extensive, it would be beneficial to have more empirical evidence or scientific backing. Nevertheless, the article provides a thorough overview of the potential uses and benefits of this stone.

  3. The information on Yellow Apatite’s geographical origins and crystal structure is quite detailed. I appreciate the breakdown of how it can specifically aid in mental clarity and confidence. It certainly provides a compelling case for incorporating this stone into one’s daily routine.

  4. The notion that specific stones like Yellow Apatite can have such diverse benefits—from mental clarity and confidence to weight loss and financial improvement—is quite fascinating. The article does a good job of detailing the stone’s applications and combinations with other stones.

  5. The idea that Yellow Apatite can assist with weight loss and detoxification is intriguing. However, I would like to see more scientific evidence supporting these claims. The combination of stones for various life improvements is interesting, but further validation would be beneficial.


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