Weight Loss Crystals

Yellow Apatite

If you want to lose weight and have tried other methods and have never been successful, then you might want to consider using crystals. There are many crystals that can be beneficial if you want to be able to lose weight.

The top six crystals that are the most effective crystals not only can help you to be healthy and strong, but they can also help you to lose weight.

Some of the reasons that the stones work is a little shocking and you might even be surprised about which crystals can aid you in this. Some of the stones are important for your digestive system but there are different reasons why these crystals are so effective.

Using Crystals for Weight Loss

If you need to lose weight, there are different stones that can help you. The first set of stones have high attributes that can help you to lose weight and the second set of stones are there to help increase your weight loss and they are great for other things.

How are Stones Good for Weight Loss?

The first thing that you need to do is to have the crystals close to your body. You can do this by getting jewelry made from them and that will make it easier for them to stay close to you and they will be way more effective.

If you don’t have jewelry from them or you cannot get jewelry made, keep them close to you such as in your pocket or under your pillow at night. You can even use a stone holder called a macramé stone holder or you can make one or even buy one that can hold your crystals.

Hold the crystals in your hands while you eat so they can be more powerful for you. They will help to boost your metabolism and to help increase your digestion. Keep stones close to where you are working so that you can always have their power close to you.

It is important to have stones that are small so that you can keep them close to your body without them being too bulky.

If you want to make the stones more powerful, you can do meditation while you are holding these stones or even put them under your pillow so that you can sleep better at night.


If you have intentions to lose weight but you feel that there are obstacles holding you back, you still haven’t found the right thing to work for you and so you might need more help.  Even if you have an intention of losing weight, this might not be enough to help you make your goal. If this has been part of your belief, maybe something is holding you back and you need help.

Subliminal messages can help you to move forward in your weight loss goal and you can learn to have positive thoughts and affirmations in your subconscious mind.

There are many crystals that are highly effective and have metaphysical properties that can help you to lose weight. There are six crystals that are the most effective and can really benefit you if you want to lose weight.

The list of the most effective stones for weight loss include:

  • Yellow Apatite
  • Picasso Marble
  • Diaspore
  • Epidote
  • Lolite
  • Gaspeite

Crystal Guide for Weight Loss

Yellow Apatite

The stone, yellow Apatite is a stone that can help to increase your metabolism and help you to lose weight.

If you find that you have no energy, then you need to balance your solar plexus chakra. You get much of your energies from this chakra and this can help you to boost this chakra and get more energy.

This stone can help to increase your digestion and can stimulate the organs in your body such as your spleen, pancreas, liver, and gall bladder.

Your energy can be boosted, and this stone can help to detoxify your body and get rid of cellulite. Yellow Apatite is also great to help you get rid of anger. This stone is related to weight loss and anger and the negative energies that are going through your body.

Picasso Marble

The Picasso Marble stone can help you lose weight and can increase your vibrational frequencies and give you more value, helping you to not over-eat.

If you can keep this stone close to your body, it can increase your aura and can help to regulate your metabolism and help to keep stress from your body so you can stay in peace during your weight loss journey.


One great crystal to give you energies is the Diaspore crystal. This has a calming vibration and is a great stone to use when you are meditating. When you need help to lose weight, you need to have energy and this stone is great for that and can help to stop water retention.

This stone has many metaphysical properties and can help benefit you by getting rid of stress and helping you to lose weight.

If you have problems with your memory, this stone can help you and can stimulate your lucid dreaming and other gifts.


The Epidote stone works differently than other stones and can help you if you have been rejected and it caused you to put on weight.

This crystal can help you to let go of emotional problems and can increase your energies that will help you to drop weight.

If you have a hard time paying attention, use this stone and it will help you feel lighter and help you to not worry about the opinions of others.


The Lolite stone is one of the best crystals for weight loss because it helps to get rid of fatty deposits that cause you to lose energy and to not be balanced. If your metabolism is slow, the Lolite can help to improve problems that you have that are keeping it slow such as problems in your liver. If you have been storing fat, chances are you need to be healed and this can increase your vibrational frequencies.

The Lolite is also a great stone to help increase your imagination and if you use this stone while you meditate, you can imagine how well you will look after you lose weight.


Gaspeite is one great weight loss crystal and can help to stimulate and increase your metabolism. This is a stone that is different than some of the other stones because it can help you to let go of clutter in your physical body and in your emotions. If you have had a hard time dealing with your feelings, use this stone.

Once your emotions are behind you and you can get rid of old issues, you can keep working towards losing weight and it will come easier for you.

When we hold on to emotional problems, it can cause us not to be able to lose weight and the Gaspeite will help you with this.

More Stones for Weight Loss

There are many other stones that are great for weight loss such as the Green Tourmaline, Ethiopian Opal, Cerussite, Sunstone, Green Heulandite, Dream Quartz, and the Amethyst.

Green Tourmaline

The Green Tourmaline can help to give you energy and detoxify your body.

Ethiopian Opal

This stone can improve your digestive system and help you to lose weight.


This stone can help increase your metabolism and boost your will power.


The Cerussite is a stone that can help to keep your body strong and aid in losing weight.

Green Heulandite

This stone is great if you are feeling sad or have a bad opinion of yourself.

Gold Sheen Obsidian

The Gold Sheen can help you to lose weight and increase your digestion.

Dream Quartz

This stone is great if you feel rejected in life and it has caused you to have low self esteem and put on weight because of it.


This stone does not have to be a specific color and can help with weight loss and help you to get rid of addictions.

The great thing about the Amethyst and the Dream Quartz is that you can use them and do positive affirmations and the stone will be programmed easily.

The Amethyst has great powers to help with addictions and to lose weight that is part of addictions such as overeating.

The purple Amethyst is one that is part of the violet flame healing stones and can help you in many ways. The quartz is one that you probably already have, and it can help you to not be addicted to foods.

Ethiopian Opal

The Ethiopian Opal can help you if you need to have a balanced weight that is not too high or too low and can assist you with energy.

This stone is great if you have eating disorders or you suffer strong emotions such as anger or depression. This is one of the stones that can help to get rid of anger and can help you to release anger that can cause you to gain weight.

Using the Black Jade, Blue Chalcedony and the Thaumasite can help with these things as well.

Using the Crystals for Weight Loss

These crystals can be used as jewelry or close to your body or in the area that you spend most of the time in your day. They can help to calm you and give you energy plus they can give you peaceful sleep.


  1. The idea of using crystals like Yellow Apatite and Picasso Marble for weight loss is intriguing. I appreciate the detailed descriptions of each crystal’s benefits but am curious about any potential side effects.

  2. The article provides an interesting perspective on using crystals for weight loss. While it’s a unique approach, it would be helpful to have some scientific studies referenced to support these claims.

  3. The method described seems alternative but worth considering for those who have tried conventional weight loss techniques without success. It would be beneficial to know how these crystals interact with other weight loss methods.

  4. The comprehensive list of stones and their specific benefits for weight loss is quite informative. However, it would be interesting to understand the historical or cultural context in which these stones were used for such purposes.

  5. The concept of keeping stones close to the body to aid in weight loss is fascinating. It might be useful to provide some case studies or testimonials from individuals who have successfully lost weight using these methods.

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