Throat Chakra

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is part of the body that is located in the neck. This helps with organs including the thyroid gland and the ears. This is a valuable chakra and helps to give you strong emotions and to be grounded spiritually. This also is a part of the body that sometimes has health issues.

If you want to be able to speak better and communicate, the throat chakra needs to be grounded. This chakra needs to be understood and you need to use stones that can help to keep this chakra powerful and well.

Throat Chakra

The throat chakra can help you to have spiritual growth and is a way that we communicate. You need to keep your throat chakra balanced so that you can be honest and learn to express yourself.

Using your inner voice and speaking and using speaking aids can help with the throat chakra and can increase your gifts of clairaudience, visions and more. The throat chakra is part of the ears, throat, neck and can bring energies to this part of your body.

Throat Chakra Meanings

It is not easy to actually understand where the throat chakra is, but here are some facts about it:

  • It is considered the fifth chakra.
  • It is located in the neck.
  • Located above the collarbone.
  • Associated with communication, speaking, listening.
  • This is where you hear and where psychic hearing originates.

The chakras all have special meanings and they are all part of speaking, so to say, because speaking to the spirit world is part of the higher development and is important for all parts of the body.

The throat chakra is associated with the thyroid gland and can help to keep this area healthy, including the eyes.

The function of the throat chakra is to help with the nose, ears, mouth, and esophagus.

Throat Chakra Healing Stones

Each person is responsible for their own health and if you want to increase the health of your throat or fifth chakra, you need to use stones to help these areas. If this area is not working well, you might see that you have problems in this area and this area needs high vibrations to help it because it is associated with part of the spiritual being.

The stones such as the Blue Celestite are a very high vibrational stone and can help with growth and healing. Other stones such as the Herkimer Diamond and the Blue tanzanite are great stones as well.

If you want to have high vibrations and spiritual growth, you can use other stones such as:

  • Natrolite
  • Selenite
  • Pink Petalite
  • Clear Petalite
  • Herderite
  • Phenacite
  • Tibetian Tektite

Some of the crystals are not going to be specifically blue but the blue stones will help to develop this area since the throat chakra is associated with the color blue.

Stones that have high vibration can work with all of the chakras at the same time as well as the soul star chakra and the earth chakra.

Blue Throat Chakra Stones

Here is a list of some of the blue throat chakra stones:

  • Sapphire
  • Blue Fluorite
  • Linarite
  • Siberian Blue Quartz
  • Blue Scapolite
  • Blue Wernerite
  • Plancheite
  • Blue Howlite
  • Aquamarine
  • Angelite
  • Blue Tourmaline
  • Jeremejevite
  • Mt. Shasta Opal
  • Aqua Aura Quartz
  • Blue Euclase
  • Blue Calcite
  • Blue Smithsonite
  • Blue Topaz
  • Blue Hemimorphite
  • Brucite
  • Blue Aragonite
  • Larimar
  • Blue Aventurine
  • Cavansite
  • Dumortierite
  • Blue Apatite
  • Vivianite
  • Blue Jade
  • Blue Sapphire
  • Tiffany Stone
  • Blue Muscovite
  • Amazonite
  • Labradorite
  • Shattuckite
  • Blue Barite

How Do the Stones Help You?

If you have a problem with communicating or if you want to have higher spiritual power, you need to make sure that your throat chakra is balanced. This part of your body helps to govern your communication and can help to improve your life.

If you want to communicate with your spirit guides, you can do this when you balance this chakra. Having strong psychic communication can make a difference in your spiritual being and your health.

Other Tools

There are other tools that you can use to learn more about your chakras and to help you increase your giftings such as books, audio books and even looking online at podcasts and blogs. You can also see your very own psychic if you need extra help.


    • I agree. It’s helpful to have such extensive information on the types of stones and their effects on the throat chakra.

  1. I’m curious about the practical applications of these stones. Has anyone experienced significant benefits in communication after using them?

    • I’ve used Blue Celestite and noticed an improvement in my ability to express myself clearly. However, results may vary for different individuals.

    • In my experience, aquamarine has been particularly effective in enhancing my communication skills.

  2. The correlation between the throat chakra and clairaudience abilities is an interesting aspect that I hadn’t considered before. This article provides valuable insights into the spiritual growth aspect.

  3. It’s intriguing to learn how the throat chakra connects with our ability to communicate effectively and its association with the thyroid gland. The emphasis on healing stones is also quite fascinating.

  4. The association of throat chakra with multiple organs like ears and esophagus points to its comprehensive role in our overall well-being. Maintaining balance here seems crucial for both physical and spiritual health.

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