Solar Plexus Chakra Stones


Solar Plexus chakra stones are important to help heal you and can heal problems that you have between the belly button and the sternum.

This is the chakra that is helpful for the organs that help you feel that you have self-worth and self-esteem and they can give you personal powers inside of yourself and bring things that you are asking for.

Chakra stones in this color can help with digestion and can help you lose weight. You can have stronger emotions and boost your will power if you use these stones.

Some of the crystals can play a dual role and can help with your emotions and with creativity. If you want to improve the energy flow in your body or need healing, these stones can help you with that.

Stones for the Solar Plexus

There are certain stones that you can use, and the solar plexus regularly deals with the color yellow or gold. You can use certain gold and yellow crystals to help bring healing to the pancreas, liver, stomach, and the spleen.

If you have digestive issues, the solar plexus might need to be charged and grounded and you can use the Kyanite to help you do this.

There are many different stones that are perfect for using with the sacral chakra. There are many that can help align your chakra and one of them is the kyanite stone.

This stone is a natural stone and can bring things into alignment and it is a stone that is easy to use. This comes in blue or orange and is a highly recommended stone.

The orange Kyanite is not an easy stone to get but any color of the kyanite can help with all of the chakras and it can be a powerful healing stone. This stone can help to bridge the energy and can fix anything that has caused you problems from things like accidents or surgeries.

The orange and the blue Kyanite have very strong vibrational healing skills and they have great energies. They can help to bring alive your psychic gifts.

Another advantage of using the Kyanite stone is that if you have gifts such as clairsentience or feeling gift, you can use this stone to help you be more sensitive to your giftings.

You need to make sure that your chakras are aligned and then you can use individual stones to continue on your mission.

Colors of Solar Plexus Crystals

The energy of the solar plexus chakra helps with digestion and with your overall health. This is located in the navel and the sternum area and can help you with your emotions and spiritual being.

You can know that the solar plexus is associated with yellow and gold stones and some of them are yellow and green.

It is easy to find many stones that are yellow and green and can fit well with the solar plexus such as the Peridot which is a lime green color.

Peridot has high vibrational frequencies and is a powerful stone that can help bring things into your life that you want including money. The stones do not have to be large to work.

Some other green stones can work with other stones to increase your heart chakra and your solar plexus chakra. The Peridot, Sphene, Hiddenite, Green Prehnite and Green Chrysoprase are all great stones to help you with your solar plexus chakra.

Using the Solar Plexus Chakra Stones

You can use the stones and wear them as jewelry, or you can keep them close to you in your pocket or somewhere that you are at for a long period of time.

Amber is one great solar plexus stone and it is easy to find and it beautiful to wear. Light Green Prehnite, Hiddenite, Golden Apatite and more are stones that can heal more than one chakra in your life.

Who Should Use the Solar Plexus Stones?

Using stones for certain chakras is great and helpful to keep the energies flowing. If you are having problems with your organs or if you are having problems with areas in your solar plexus, make sure you are using stones such as the Yellow Amblygonite stone which has lithium in them. This is a great stone to use when you are meditating.

Wearing these stones and putting them in your pocket can help to keep you healthy. This is a specific stone that can be kept in your area and kept on your body to help you heal faster. You can use yellow citrine crystal jewelry that is beautiful to look at and nice to wear.

Healing Stones

The heart chakra and the power of the chakras can all lay in how you perceive them. There are many crystals that you can use to boost your personal powers and to help you with your chakras.

There are crystals that are healing crystals and they come in different colors and some of them include Libyan Desert Glass and Libyan Gold Tektite. These stones are very powerful and can help get rid of negative energies.

When your solar plexus is grounded, it can help you to be happy and healthy. When you use stones to help your life, you can see growth and power in your life. You will see that you feel better and that you can bring change to yourself.

This can also help you to develop your psychic giftings and help you to have abundance and prosperity. This can bring you forth money.

Stimulate Increase and Abundance

The solar plexus chakra can help to bring in abundance and prosperity and you can take time to meditate in your day so that you can call forth money.

If you have a positive mindset, you will see that you have power to manifest money into your life. You have to change your thinking to positive thinking and your life can change for the better.

Stones for the Solar Plexus

Here are some stones that can help with your solar plexus and keep your grounded:

  • Brazilianite
  • Yellow Hiddenite
  • Septarian
  • Sunstone
  • Sillimanite
  • Adamite
  • Orange Zincite
  • Golden Pyrite
  • Celestobarite
  • Pietersite
  • Aragonite Star Clusters
  • Pargasite
  • Ocean Jasper
  • Golden Labradorite
  • Yellow Labradorite
  • Yellow Topaz
  • Rainforest Jasper
  • Mookaite Jasper
  • Mook Jasper
  • Golden Amphibole Quartz
  • Golden Rutilated Quartz
  • Clinohumite
  • Fire Agate
  • Tigers Eye
  • Kauri Gum
  • Chalcopyrite
  • Hypersthene
  • Cats Eye Chrysoberyl
  • Bumble Bee Jasper
  • Eclipse Stone

High Vibrational Stones

  • Diaspore
  • Datolite
  • Golden Selenite
  • Orange Creedite Cluster
  • Stellar Beam Calcite
  • Elestial Quartz
  • Rhodizite Crystal
  • Rainbow Mayanite

More Solar Plexus Stones

  • Zircon
  • Eilat
  • Spessartine Garnet
  • Aegirine
  • Picasso Marble
  • Picasso Stone
  • Vanadinite
  • Ametrine
  • Witches Finger
  • Preseli Bluestone
  • Grossular Garnet
  • Uvarovite Garnet
  • Tinkasite
  • Mt. Hay Thunderegg
  • Star Agate
  • Lemon Quartz
  • Honey Calcite
  • Yellow Scapolite
  • Yellow Wernerite
  • Tiger Iron
  • Golden Healer
  • Sinhalite
  • Enstatite

List of Solar Plexus Stones

There are other crystals that are not on the above list that can be helpful for the Solar plexus chakra and all of the other chakras as well:

  • Actinolite
  • Adamite
  • Aegirne
  • Ajoite
  • Amegreen
  • Amazonite
  • Anatase
  • Angel Phantom Quartz
  • Aragonite Star Clusters
  • Ascension Stones
  • Aurora Quartz
  • Blizzard Stone
  • Gabbro
  • Blue Obsidian
  • Blue Chalcedony
  • Cobaltian
  • Calcite
  • Chrysanthemum Stone
  • Chrysotite
  • Creedite
  • Crocoite
  • Cryolite
  • Danburite
  • Elestial Quartz
  • Euclase
  • Epidote
  • Fire Quartz
  • Fulgurite
  • Fuchsite
  • Gaia Stone
  • Gold Quartz
  • Golden Aura Quartz
  • Goethite
  • Golden Rutilated Quartz
  • Golden Healer
  • Grossular Garnet
  • Green Stilbite
  • Green Apatite
  • Green Tourmaline
  • Green Selenite
  • Healers Gold
  • Hemimorphite
  • Hessonite Garnet
  • Kimberlite
  • Kornerupine
  • Larimar
  • Larvikite
  • Lithium Quartz
  • Lavendar Quartz
  • Lemurian Jade
  • Libyan Desert Glass
  • Lilac Lepidolite
  • Linarite
  • Magnesite
  • Marialite
  • Matorolite
  • Matorolite
  • Mt. Hay Thunderegg
  • Star Agate
  • Amulet Stone
  • Mt. Shasta Opal
  • Muskovite
  • Nebula Stone
  • Nepheline
  • Nephrite Jade
  • Nirvana Quartz
  • Ocean Jasper
  • Pink Calcite
  • Pink Scapolite
  • Poppy Jasper
  • Preseli Bluestone
  • Phosphosiderite
  • Paragasite
  • Petalite
  • Phosphosiderite
  • Pollucite
  • Preseli Bluestone
  • Que Sera
  • Quantum Quattro
  • Rhodochrosite
  • Rhodonite
  • Shamanite Black Calcite
  • Shiva Lingam
  • Stromatolite
  • Stillbite
  • Thaumasite
  • Thulite
  • Tibetan Black Quartz
  • Transparent Pink Calcite
  • Wavelite
  • Wulfenite
  • Yellow Jasper
  • Yellow Sapphire
  • Yellow Tourmaline
  • Yellow Turquoise

Other Tools

There are other tools such as books that can help you to learn more about crystals and your chakras. Make sure you learn as much as you can and that you gather information which can help you to grow.


  1. It’s helpful to know about the various ways to use these stones, such as wearing them as jewelry or keeping them close in pockets. Practical advice like this can make it easier to incorporate these practices into daily life.

  2. The detailed list of stones provided here is quite comprehensive. It’s interesting to see the variety of stones associated with the solar plexus chakra and their respective benefits.

    • I agree, Anne. The inclusion of both common and less common stones gives readers a lot of options to choose from based on their preferences and needs.

  3. The mention of Kyanite stone and its benefits across different chakras is noteworthy. It seems to be quite a versatile stone with a range of applications.

  4. The explanation about how stones can help with self-worth and self-esteem is quite intriguing. I wonder if there are any scientific studies to back up these claims.

    • That’s a valid point, Maestro. While the benefits are often anecdotal, it would be interesting to see more empirical research in this area.

    • Indeed, more scientific validation could provide a stronger foundation for the use of these stones in holistic healing.

  5. The emphasis on colors and their significance in chakra healing is well-explained. The connection between yellow and gold stones and the solar plexus chakra is especially enlightening.

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