

When you need to get rid of negative thinking, the Tinaksite is a perfect stone for you. It is a great stone if you need to think more positively and if you want to increase your spiritual journey. The stone can help you to let go of bitterness and can help you to stay private, especially if someone is harassing you.

Meaning of Tinaksite

This stone is a rare stone that is only found in Russia, in Siberia. Its name is from the combination of minerals that is makes it up.

The stone comes in different colors such as yellow, orange, white, grey, pink and other colors and it can have inclusions of other stones such as the Pink Fedorite or the Aegirine.

Positive Thinking

This stone can help you to think more positively and it can help with your emotions to give you a positive mindset. This stone can help you to figure out your journey and can help you figure out what spiritual path you want to take.

The stone can help you to get rid of stuff in your mind that you do not benefit from and it allows you to move forward in your mind and spirit.

This stone has good vibrations and can stop blockages in your life. This stone works with the third eye chakra and can help you to have more positive thoughts and to get rid of negative thinking in your life.

Why Use It?

This stone can help to boost your heart chakra and can bring energies and power to your higher chakras. Everyone has different experiences and wants to have their psychic gifts open and this stone can help to increase your gifts such as your clairvoyance and your visions.

You can get rid of negative or stagnant energies by using this stone and it can cleanse your auric field.

You can enjoy this stone for all areas of your life and if you are doing spiritual work and need to connect with your spirit guide, it can help you naturally to do that. This stone can help you to make contact and can be a lovely stone to use.

This stone can take away bitterness and help you to have positive energies. The stone works with many of the chakras such as the solar plexus and sacral chakra and can help to get rid of infection and help you live a better life.

Who Should Use It?

This stone can help you if you are a victim of a stalker and if you need to have more privacy in your home. Put one stone in each corner of your home and it can give you confidentiality.

The stone can help you to get rid of negative energies, especially form your past and can help you to let go of bitterness and let you live an authentic lifestyle.

Using with Other Stones

Negative feelings can cause you to be sad, depressed and to experience stress and anxiety. You need to get rid of negativity in your life and you can do this by boosting your auric field. When you need to boost your auric field and get rid of negative energies, use this stone and combine it with these for more strength:

  • Green Tourmaline
  • Rubies
  • Blue Sapphire
  • Amber
  • Tinkasite

Opening your third eye chakra can help to develop your psychic giftings and open you up to a world of knowing. This is great if you want to increase your gifts such as clairvoyance or visions. If you want to open up and balance your third eye chakra, combine this third eye chakra stone with these others and you will see results:

  • Sodalite
  • Ametrine
  • Blue tourmaline
  • Jeremejevite
  • Vivianite
  • Lapis Lazuli

Having a clear mind is important and you want to make sure that you are ready to answer questions and to be strong in your mind. If you have to have answers or need to have a clear mind for any purpose, you can add this stone and these others to have better mental clarity:

  • Marisposite
  • Magnetite
  • Thomasonite
  • Pudding Stone
  • Pollucite


  1. The thorough explanation of Tinaksite’s properties and its potential benefits for mental clarity and emotional stability is quite intriguing. The association with multiple chakras and its unique mineral composition make it a fascinating subject for further study.

  2. The mention of Tinaksite’s potential to boost psychic abilities such as clairvoyance is compelling. The article makes a strong case for its application in spiritual practices, which could be of interest to those exploring metaphysical realms.

  3. The detailed description of how Tinaksite interacts with different chakras and its ability to ward off negative energies provides a comprehensive overview. The integration with other stones to enhance its effectiveness is particularly noteworthy.

  4. The inclusion of various other stones that can be combined with Tinaksite to enhance its effects is a valuable addition. This holistic approach to using crystals for emotional and spiritual balance is well-articulated.

  5. The focus on how Tinaksite can help with emotional well-being and mental clarity is significant. The idea of using it to bolster the auric field and complement other stones adds an interesting dimension to its utility.


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