

The Magnesite is a great stone that is calming and can be used for meditation. It can bring changes in your life that a purposeful and it can help you to be more creative and use your imagination. This can help you to have psychic visions and to be clearer in your life.

The stone has properties that are very important and can help you with things that you personally need. This stone is a soothing stone and can help you to tune into your heart desires and to respond to the energies that your heart has.

When you need to have alignment with your heart and your needs, this stone can help you and can increase your self-esteem.

Meaning of the Magnesite

This stone is made up of magnesium carbonate and so you can get it in different colors such as pink, grey, yellow, brown and other colors. Some of the stones have iron in them and some of them look like Turquoise and have white Turquoise through them, but not the same blue Turquoise.

The stone has been found in places such as Brazil, Italy, Poland, Austria, South Africa and other places and it is an uncommon stone and it looks a lot like a brain.

Psychic Visions

This stone works with the heart chakra and works to bring happiness in your world. The stone will help to boost your self-esteem and can be calming and can help to stimulate your mind and let your mind and heart communicate with each other.

The stone can bring you joy and can stimulate your passion and your love.

Who Should Use It?

The stone works great with the third eye chakra and can help your mind communicate with your heart. It can give you joy and heavenly joy and can help you have passion and love for other people.

The stone can help you to have stress relief and can help you to understand who you are more and to bring attention to yourself where you are fooling who you are.

This helps you to look deep within and can help you to move forward in life. If you want to be psychic, you can use this stone and visualize your giftings and help you to move forward.

Healing Properties

This stone is great if you need help in your relationship or if you are dealing with a difficult person. This can be in work and in family situations and you can become more aware of your problems.

The stone works with the White Magnesite and it can help you look at yourself more clearly and bring healing to areas in your body. It has a high level of magnesium and can help to get rid of muscle spasms and tension and to help with the kidneys or PMS.

The stone can help to detoxify your body and get rid of constipation and can help you if you have problems with your teeth or headaches.

Joy and Happiness

The magnesite will bring you joy and peace in your life and is a great stone to add to your collection.

It can help you to have good psychic visions and is very calming and can get rid of stress and anxiety.

How to Use It

This stone is part of the Aries birthstone and can be found as jewelry and is easy to wear. It can also be kept in your pocket and is sometimes found as beads in jewelry. They are sometimes mixed with Turquoise and they have a matching color.

Some of the stones are dyed and still have the same vibrations.

Why Use It?

This stone can help you when you are meditating and can help you to birth giftings in your life. It can help you if you want to increase your clairvoyant abilities and to have more visions. When you use the stone, you might feel a pulsing sensation because it opens up your third eye.

This stone is great for those that have psychic knowing and work in automatic writing. The stone is part of the crown chakra and can help you to experience good things in life and reach the divine will.

Using with Other Stones

This stone is great for the heart and solar plexus chakra and can help to increase your love, compassion and your peace. If you want to increase these things and help to balance your chakras, you can do this by combining this stone with these other heart and solar plexus chakra stones:

  • Blizzard Stone
  • Gabbro
  • Purple Stichtite
  • Tourmilated Quartz
  • Shamanite Black Calcite
  • Aqua Aura Quartz
  • Rainbow Moonstone

When you need grounded, you can use these stones combined to have better grounding such as:

  • Tourmaline
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Magnetite
  • Tiger Iron
  • Healers Gold
  • Hematite

This stone works really well with these other stones such as:

  • Shattuckite
  • Blue Sapphire
  • Amethyst Cacoxenite
  • Jeremejevite
  • Labradorite
  • Arfvedsonite
  • Dumortierite

Some stones have high vibrations and you can increase these vibrations by combining this stone with other stones. When you do this, you can raise the vibrational frequencies of these stones and you can use this to develop your giftings or for healing purposes.

  • Kyanite
  • Blue Kyanite
  • Moldavite
  • Phenacite

There are many stones that are great to help to protect you and you need to have protection especially if you are doing psychic work. When you do psychic work, you need to make sure that you are not getting attacked psychically, called psychic attacks. These can hurt you mentally, physically and emotionally. Combine this stone with these stones to help protect you:

  • Violet flame crystals
  • Tourmilated Quartz
  • Black Tourmaline
  • Zircon
  • Cookeite
  • Purple Amethyst
  • Sugalite


  1. It’s interesting to see how magnesite can aid in both psychic visions and physical ailments like muscle spasms and tension. I’m curious about the mechanisms at play here—how does the same stone impact both mental and physical states?

  2. The usage of magnesite in combination with other stones for different purposes, such as grounding or increasing vibrations, shows its versatility. Has there been any scientific research to back up these claims, or are they mostly anecdotal?

  3. The magnesite stone’s calming and creative properties are fascinating. I wonder how its chemical composition of magnesium carbonate contributes to these characteristics. Is the iron content a factor in its variations in color and properties?

  4. The article touches on the stone’s potential to enhance self-esteem and stress relief. In terms of practical usage, how long does one need to use or carry the stone to start noticing these benefits? Are there any documented case studies or personal testimonies?

  5. The geographic distribution of magnesite, spanning countries like Brazil, Italy, and South Africa, raises the question of whether the properties of the stone vary based on its place of origin. Do stones from different regions show different efficacy?


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