Cancer Birthstones


The Cancer birthstone list will help to give you a list of each of the stones that will match up to your star sign.  This will help you to feel that you have a way to use them perfectly.

If you were born under the Cancer sign, there are specific crystals that can help you to feel better and can give you information on which stones will be beneficial to your healing and health.

You will be able to see a list of the stones and what they are helpful with.  You can use these for astrological purposes and for purposes of healing.

Choosing a Birthstone

If you want assistance in choosing the right stone, read more about them.  If you have some of these stones, chances are your area already wearing them and you might want to know which ones you should wear more often.

These stones might even be more powerful than you know, and you might want to add another piece to your collection.  The Cancer birthstone jewelry is very beautiful to look at and has many benefits.

Birthstone jewelry is easy to come by and so it allows you the possibilities of finding stones that are beneficial to you.  They will benefit you from wearing them for healing and so that you can increase your vibrational frequencies.

There are many different stones that you can choose from and you have the chance to get rid of many of your problems and to find ways to help yourself. The healing properties of these stones is strong and when you use them, they can help your overall wellbeing and health.

When you look at the list of birthstones that fit your star sign, you will find more information on each of the crystals. Many of the Cancer birthstones on the list give information about how the stones can be helpful and can help you in your life.

Knowing Your Astrological Sign

Most people know what sign that they have but there are many people that do not.  If you want to purchase a stone for someone that is a Cancer, you will want them to know what sign they are before you or they make a purchase.

Here is a list of the months and dates of the astrological chart:

  • Aries (March 21-April 19)
  • Taurus (April 20-May 20)
  • Gemini (May 21-June 20)
  • Cancer (June 21-July 22)
  • Leo (July 23 to August 22)
  • Virgo (August 23-September 22)
  • Libra (September 23-October 22)
  • Scorpio (October 23-November 21)
  • Sagittarius (November 22 to December 21)
  • Capricorn (December 22-January 19)
  • Aquarius (January 20-February 18)
  • Pisces (February 19-March 20)

Cancer Birthstone List

The list covers the different birthstones for the Cancer sign.  This can be a large group of stones that can help you with your life. Some of the stones are good for any star sign, but you will see that there are extra benefits if you use a sign that is in your list.

There are different aspects of healing and other attributes that can help you with these signs.  It is common for crystals to be found in the zodiac birthstone list for more than one month and sign and the vibrational frequency can benefit people in more than one area of their lives.

Here is a list of the stones:

  • Brookite
  • Calcite
  • Carnelian
  • Natrolite
  • Rainbow Moonstone
  • Rhodizite
  • Rose Quartz
  • Ruby
  • Tinaksite

Birthstone Meanings


This is a high energy stone and can help to ground your higher chakras.  This has such as high vibration that it can help you to reach your spiritual world and to connect with specific guides and teachers that can help you along your journeys.

This can help you to stimulate your kundalini and boost your feelings if you are tired or warn out.  This helps you to stay with the flow.  This is a good healing stone and should be used in meditation.


This stone is great to help you to stop your powerful emotions when they are negative.  They come in different colors and can cleanse you and heal you mentally. The pink and green stone and can calm you and heal you and help you through your circumstances.  This stone can help you to have love and compassion.

Blue Calcite

This calcite is a healing stone and can help to develop your powers and increase your clairvoyance and telepathy.  This is a blue stone and can help you to be more creative in your life.


This stone is great if you need confidence, and you want to be more motivated to reach your goals and make good choices in your future. This stone will help with your lower chakras and help you to reproduce and give you warmth in your whole body.

The orange color is great for the sacral chakra and will help to ground it.


This stone is a high vibrational stone and can help you when you meditate.  This can give you strong pulsations and can help you to feel the energies that this stone has.  This is a great stone that can increase your chakras.

This is a great stone if you want to increase your third eye chakra and increase your spiritual growth.  This can be combined with other stones and can encourage coincidence and synchronicity.  This can help you if you are afraid of water.

Rainbow Moonstone

The Rainbow Moonstone helps you to increase your auric field and can bring you happiness.  You can use this as a vibrational frequency, and it is a feminine stone.  This stone has strong energy for women, especially and can develop your intuition.

This stone can help you to contact your spirit guides and can help you to find your destiny, especially if you are wanting change.  This stone can help you to be aware and to know your energy and to encourage yourself.


The Rhodonite is great if you deal with strong emotions.  This stone can bring emotional healing and forgiveness if you are having problems in a relationship. Use this stone to meditate and you can find gifts that you didn’t know that you had.

This pink crystal carries vibrations that are full of love and can help balance the heart chakra.  It can also calm you down if you are upset or feel angry at someone. If you need to build up your self-esteem, this is the perfect stone to do that with.

Rose Quartz

The Rose Quartz brings about the energy from the Goddess Energy and deals with the higher chakras in your body.  These are part of the thymus chakra. This stone is pink and gives you love and a deep sense of spirituality.  This energy of love is there but it can also bring you closer to your spirit guides and help you to feel better emotionally.


The Ruby is a stone that has great vibrations and can increase your chakras, especially the heart chakra.  This stone can help you with the sacral chakra, as well and can help you to be more creative in your life.

If you have problems with your relationships, use this for healing.  This can also help you against psychic attacks and can give you clear visions.


This is a very unusual stone, and this stone can help you if you have issues in your life that are not letting you move forward.  You can let go of these things with this stone and learn to move on. This stone can give you privacy and make you less visible when you don’t want to be seen.

If you have ever been stalked or are being stalked, use this stone to hide and to keep you from getting weird phone calls. This stone can help you in all walks of your life and can help you feel inspired.

Cancer Birthstone

After you have studied the different stones, you will see that there are many healing qualities that these stones have.  They will be good for your development, and they are beautiful and fun to wear. These stones can help to bring forth your caring nature and when you wear them as jewelry, you will keep your auric field strong.

When you see the different strengths that these stones have you can understand why they were chosen.  Some of the stones have strong healing qualities and others of them are great to ground and balance your chakras such as you heart chakra.  They can help to bring out love in your life.

You can increase your psychic giftings with these stones by using the Cancer birthstones in your birthstone month.  You can also wear them to make your aura strong and to get rid of negative energies.

When you buy a Cancer birthstone, you will be ahead of the game because they can help you to be energetic, artistic, and creative.  Use your intuition to pick the perfect stone.


  1. The breakdown of each stone and its specific benefits for those born under Cancer is very well done. This article serves as a good reference for anyone looking to enhance their well-being through crystal healing.

  2. The article offers a comprehensive guide on choosing and understanding Cancer birthstones. The information about the healing properties and vibrational frequencies of the stones is particularly intriguing.

  3. It’s fascinating to learn about the different birthstones associated with the Cancer sign and their individual benefits. The section on birthstone meanings provides an excellent overview of what each stone can do.

  4. I appreciate the list of birthstones provided for Cancer. It’s a useful resource for those interested in astrology and crystal healing. The descriptions of each stone’s properties are very clear and helpful.

  5. The detailed descriptions of each stone and their benefits are quite informative. It’s interesting to see how different crystals can impact various aspects of one’s life, especially for those born under the Cancer sign.

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