

When you want to have more power in your life and reach your etheric body, the Turquoise is the best stone for that. It can help you to attune to the spirits and help you communicate better and help to balance your male and female energies.

This stone is a great stone to help you speak the truth and it can help to increase your clairvoyant and clairaudience giftings and help you reach your past life.

This stone can help you if you do psychic works and if you need help with your physical life.

Where is it from?

This stone is found in places such as Arabia, Egypt, Britain, France, Russia, Poland, China, Peru and Mexico and it is also found in Iran, Afghanistan, Tibet, Australia and the USA.

The stone is made of a chemical called aluma phosphate and the color is what we call Turquoise blue, but it can be other colors such as green, clear, and can even be dyed with magnesite or Howlite.

Great Properties

This stone can help you to be more open and truthful and can help to keep you calm when you are speaking in public. It can give you passion and compassion in your life and can help to harmonize your body and your male and female energies.

This stone can help with different chakras and can help you have more integrity and speak the truth. This stone can help you if you are shy and if you need to have value in life or validity.

This stone works with the higher heart chakra to make you more forgiving and compassionate towards others. It can help with the throat chakra and help you to have more wisdom.

Clairaudience and Clairvoyance

When you are able to hear into the spirit world and you want to give that gift of clairaudience a boost, you can use this stone and it can help to stimulate your gifting and help you to be able to receive spiritual messages from the spirit world.

If you want to increase your psychic abilities such as your clairvoyant or clairaudient gifts, you can use this stone. When you do this though, you can get ungrounded and so you need to always make sure that you are grounded afterwards.

Being ungrounded can cause you to be sick in your mind or your body.

How to Use It

This stone can be used with your third eye chakra and can help to ground you. It will work with the earth to give you better spiritual being and help you not to have mood swings. This can protect you from psychic attacks and can help energy flow in your life.

This stone can help you if you need to have clear thinking and if you need love energy to come to your life. Use this while you meditate so that you can be protected from negativity.

Wearing Turquoise

This stone can be worn because it is so beautiful and can be made into jewelry. It works well with the throat and third eye chakra and can develop your psychic giftings. This stone can help you communicate better and is part of the Sagittarius birthstone.


This stone is one of the oldest stones that can be made into jewelry and it has energy from thousands of years ago.

This stone is very protective and a great healing stone. It was used by Shamans and helps energy reach the etheric body.

Who Should Use It?

This stone can help to heal you and can help to harmonize the body. If you are tired or depleted of energy, use this stone. If you need creativity, this stone can help you. It can absorb nutrients in your body that you eat and help you to be protected from pollutants. It can also help your fifth element and help you to have a deeper healing level.

This stone can help you heal in your physical and spiritual body and can help you to reach a higher frequency than you are used to.

Using with Other Stones

Communicating with your angels is important to give you peace, love and understanding. When you want to increase your gifts and find out what your psychic gifts are, you can communicate with your angels to find out. You can also talk to your angels and they can help you to solve problems and to be able to do things that you were unsure of, and they can give you mental clarity to make decisions. Combine this stone with these other stones to increase your angelic communication:

  • Aragonite Star Clusters
  • Pink Petalite
  • Blue Celestite
  • Lemurian Seed Crystals
  • Ajoite in Quartz
  • Selenite

If you want to balance your male and female energies, you can use this stone with these other stones so that you can be in harmony with your energies:

  • Turquoise
  • Shaman Stones
  • Jade
  • Aventurine
  • Ascension Stones
  • Marcasite
  • Hematite Crystals

Copper based stones have strong vibrations and if you want to increase the vibrations of your stone even more and let it to help heal you and give you better gift developments, you can combine this stone with these other stones for good results:

  • Chrysocolla
  • Gem Silica
  • Eilate Stone
  • Brochantite
  • Turquoise Stones
  • Malachite
  • Dioptase
  • Kinoite

This stone can be combined with these stones for truth such as:

  • Blue Sodalite
  • Clear Topaz
  • Euclase
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Sunstones
  • Shattuckite

Opening your third eye chakra can help to develop your psychic giftings and open you up to a world of knowing. This is great if you want to increase your gifts such as clairvoyance or visions. If you want to open up and balance your third eye chakra, combine this third eye chakra stone with these others and you will see results:

  • Sodalite
  • Ametrine
  • Blue tourmaline
  • Jeremejevite
  • Vivianite
  • Lapis Lazuli


  1. The mention of Turquoise aiding in clairaudience and clairvoyance is fascinating. It’s noteworthy how the stone is linked to various chakras and spiritual practices. However, the scientific backing for these claims seems minimal.

  2. It’s captivating to see how Turquoise has been used historically and its alleged benefits in modern spiritual practices. The connections to different chakras and its role in energy balancing are particularly interesting. More detailed studies could shed light on its effectiveness.

  3. I found the information about Turquoise being used to balance male and female energies quite interesting. The diverse geographic origins of the stone also add to its mystique. A detailed explanation of the chemical composition would be beneficial.

  4. The article provides a comprehensive overview of Turquoise and its properties. It’s intriguing to learn about its supposed benefits and historical significance. However, I would appreciate more scientific evidence to support the claims made.

  5. The detailed description of Turquoise and its benefits for spiritual and physical well-being is enlightening. The historical use by Shamans and the list of companion stones for different purposes are well-noted. I would be interested in more empirical data supporting these claims.


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