

When you need to understand spiritual teaching and you want to increase your creativity, this is a stone that can really help you.

Dealing with changes can be hard but when you need help with this, the Stellerite is a great stone to have and it can help you to contact your angels in the spiritual realm.

This stone can help to benefit your personal life and is a great stone to add to your collection.

Where is it from?

This stone comes from the name of George Steller, a German explorer, that discovered it. It has different colors and forms and is very similar to the Stilbite. The stone comes in different colors such as peach, orange, pink, colorless, white and salmon colors.

This stone has a pearly look and comes in amazing forms. It is found in different places in the world such as Mexico, Norway, Russia, China, India, Kazakhstan, Switzerland, Italy and USA.

Why Use It?

This stone has strong vibrations and can help to transform your life. It can help you to do things that you have to change your life and can help you to stop fooling who you are.

The vibrations of this stone are powerful, and they stop you from seeing things that are not real and acting in ways that are not helping you in your life.

This stone can help you contact your angels and reach the highest realm.

How to Use It

This stone works with the higher heart chakra and is a good stone to keep on your body. It can help you to learn things about the spirit world and can help you when you need to meditate.

This stone is great with the root chakra and can help you understand the different stages in your life. This stone can help you to have joy and happiness and to help with things like autism that you may have.

If you have a child that is autistic, put this in their room and it can help to treat problems in their life and bone and blood problems as well.

This stone can help if you lack in alkaline or if you have other negative situations that have come to you. It can also get rid of stress.


This stone can help you to look at life in a different life and to be happier. It can help you to be more positive and get rid of emotions that are negative and bring you conflicts in your life.

It will stop you from always reacting the same way and will help you to do things that are helpful in your life.

The stone will help to get rid of negative emotions and to handle situations better. It can help you to release negativity and to have better emotional responses when situations come up.

This is part of the Aries birthstone and so it is good to keep it close to your body.

Who Should Use It?

This stone can help the crown chakra and the third eye chakra and can help you if you need to learn and comprehend spatially, math and geometry.

This stone can cause you to change your life and to get energies that can help you to recognize what you need to do and to transform your life.

The stone can help you to act and can enhance your creativity. It can really benefit you if you use positive affirmations when you use this stone.


This stone can help you to get rid of negative emotions that cause you to have outbursts that are unnecessary.

It can be used in meditation on a daily basis and can heal your emotions and let you see how valuable life is.

This is a heart-based stone and can help you to see your well being and help you to confront issues that are causing you problems.

Using with Other Stones

Anger is a strong emotion and it can cause you to be stressed and even physically sick. If you have experienced anger and you are feeling angry and feel that you cannot make it through those emotions, you can use this stone and combine it with these in order to get rid of the anger and replace it with peace and understanding:

  • Black Jade
  • Black Obsidian
  • Aragonite Star Clusters
  • Black Spinel
  • Stellerite
  • Aquamarine
  • Plancheite
  • Ethiopian Opal
  • Hureaulite

Communicating with your angels is important to give you peace, love and understanding. When you want to increase your gifts and find out what your psychic gifts are, you can communicate with your angels to find out. You can also talk to your angels and they can help you to solve problems and to be able to do things that you were unsure of, and they can give you mental clarity to make decisions. Combine this stone with these other stones to increase your angelic communication:

  • Aragonite Star Clusters
  • Pink Petalite
  • Blue Celestite
  • Lemurian Seed Crystals
  • Ajoite in Quartz
  • Selenite
  • Angelite
  • Green Prehnite Crystals
  • Aragonite Star Clusters

This stone is part of the zeolite crystals and can be combined with other stones in this group such as:

  • Clear Apophyllite
  • Natrolite
  • Goosecreekite
  • Mordenite
  • Cavansite
  • Scolecite
  • Chabazite
  • Tunellite
  • Stilbite
  • Green Heulandite
  • White Heulandite


  1. The inclusion of practical advice on how to use Stellerite for meditation and spiritual communication is beneficial. It would be useful to know more about the scientific basis behind these claims, if any exists.

  2. This article provides a comprehensive overview of Stellerite and its various benefits. The detailed description of its origin and uses is particularly helpful for anyone looking to explore the metaphysical properties of this stone.

  3. The connection between Stellerite and emotional well-being is intriguing. It is interesting how this stone is linked to different chakras and can supposedly assist in emotional regulation and stress relief.

  4. The article offers a detailed guide on the various stones that can be combined with Stellerite for enhanced benefits. This information is valuable for those who are into crystal healing.

    • Yes, the suggested combinations are very insightful. It would be interesting to know if there are any specific rituals or practices recommended for using these stones together.

    • I agree, the list of complementary stones is a great addition. It makes it easier for readers to expand their collection and experiment with different combinations.

  5. The historical background and geographical origins of Stellerite add a nice touch to the article. It is fascinating to learn about the different colors and forms that this stone can take.


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