Programming Crystals

Programming Crystals

Programming your crystals is very important and it is very easy. Doing this can give you the best results and can benefit your life.

Even though crystals can be programmed, it is the easiest if you install a program into your quartz crystal and this is easy to learn and very beneficial. Using programmed crystals can help you when you are meditating.

By programming a healing crystal, you can use it to stimulate your gifts and to show you what talents you have. Doing this also helps meditation come easier. If you choose to program your crystals and use positive affirmations, you can relax better and have better daily meditations.

Whatever program you choose to put in your crystal will be your decision and what outcome you want to have. There are different outcomes that you can achieve when doing this.

Programming Your Crystal Tips

If you want to use a programmed crystal, it can help you to reach deeper meditation and you can use the stones for this purpose.

Here are some great tips:

1. The first thing to do is to make sure that you have a cleansed crystal. You need to do this so you can get all of the negative energies out of it.

2. The second thing to do is to setup the crystal so that it can cleanse itself. There are ways that you can charge your crystals such as using the sun, or the moon and you can program your crystals to cleans themselves so that they can help you the most. There are many methods for cleansing your crystals and part of the process of programming a crystal is to make sure that it is cleansed first.

Using your crystals are important and you should be aware of the energies that they have so you can connect with them easier and know what you are dealing with when you use crystals.

If you want to get started, take a stone that is smooth, and you can hold it in your hand such as the Golden Rutilated Quartz. Put your ideas that you have on paper so that you can have affirmation to tell the stones.

3. The third tip is to make sure you know how to program the crystals and what purpose you are doing it for. Make sure that you install the purpose into the stone to get better results.

4. Hold the crystal in your hand, mainly the left works better but you can hold it in one or the other or even both. Hold the crystal so it has the point facing in towards your body. This can help the energies go through your whole being.

5. Make sure you are relaxed, and you have to imagine you are stepping side of the crystal and allow yourself to have the full energy of it.

Always make this connection and share with your crystal what you want, and this can help it to be programmed faster.

Programming with Affirmations

When you are wanting to use this type of programming, you need to make sure that there are certain affirmations that you choose.

You can choose powerful statements that can benefit you and you can use general affirmations. Consider what you want out of life and what issues you have and brainstorm some of your own.

List of Affirmations

Here is a list of some affirmations you can use:

  • Let me feel peaceful.
  • Let me feel relaxed.
  • I will allow myself to use this mediation to relax more.
  • I will focus my thoughts on peace.
  • I will focus my thoughts on harmony.
  • I will fill my mind with good thoughts that bring me joy.
  • My relationships with people are kind and loving.
  • I will be productive for days to come.
  • I want to be productive and I choose to be productive today.
  • I will allow myself to have deep meditation and I will be aware of it.

7. The seventh tip is to write the affirmations in present tense. This can help you to have powerful affirmations and to cleanse your crystal. This also allows you to get rid of negative feelings and vibrations.

Saying something like, “I constantly release my negative energies into this crystal,” can help you to get rid of your negativity and bring positive things into your life.

Once your crystals are programmed, you can continue with your meditation. You can use any stones with it and those that are silica based are strong such as Jasper, Agate and Quartz crystals, and they are easy to program.

All quartz crystals are easy to program, and they will give you the most success. Start with these stones so that you can learn how to do it.

9. The ninth tip is to use your crystal that you program to mediate with. This is a good reason why you speak positive affirmations.

Think about programing some of the jewelry that you have that is made of stones. Using the Amethyst, Smokey Quartz, Citrine or others can enhance your day and bring you healing qualities to your life.

If you want to enhance your stones, you need to have additional programing that will help you.

Reasons to Program Your Crystals

There are many reasons you would want to program your crystals and here are some reasons:

  • They can help increase your vibrations.
  • They can bring you positive attributes in your life.
  • They can give you strong love vibrations.
  • Can help with your relationships.
  • Can help you be happy.
  • Can help you make better decisions.
  • Give you increased positive feelings.

These stones can also help you to break a habit like smoking or over-eating. If you have these stones, you can keep them under your pillow at night or keep them on your body so that they can take away your negative feelings and strengthen your emotions.

If you are afraid of something, you can use these crystals and they can also help to take away angry feelings and replace them with humor and peace.

Start by programming your quartz crystals and then move on to others once you learn how to do it and do it well. You can use different programs on different stones.

After you do it for a few times, you will see that it is easy and beneficial to you.

Programming a Quartz Crystal

There are many stones that you can program and there are some favorites that work with certain things. Here are some of the best stones for different circumstances:

  • If you need to lose weight or sleep better, sue the Dream Quartz.
  • If you want to have better relationships and good energy, the Rose Quartz is great.
  • Goethite is a stone that is easy to program, and it will boost compassion.
  • If you need money, the Citrine is the best stone, but it also helps with creativity.
  • If you need healing, the Seriphos Green Quartz is amazing.
  • The Golden Rutilated Quartz can be very powerful after programing and contains Rutile which is a huge amplifier.
  • Crystals that aid in stress such as the Lithium Quartz are easy to program and can help you reach your higher self.
  • The Amethyst Quartz is great if you want to have violet flame healing and psychic protection.

Many stones have different properties and programming them can help you to have a better life and to live your life happy.

List of Programming Stones

Here is a list of stones that are easy to program:

  • Lithium Quartz
  • Dream Quartz
  • Natural Citrine
  • Goethite

Remember that quartz crystals are very powerful and easy to program, and you can boost them depending on which program you use.

Learning how to program crystals can help you make better decisions before you take action in your life.