Higher Heart Chakra

Higher Heart Chakra

Part of the etheric body is the higher heart chakra. This is where your intentions come from and it connect with your divine love, forgiveness, compassion, emotions and allows you to speak truth and to say what you mean from your heart.

This is an important part of your body and anyone that wants to have more compassion and love needs to make sure that this part of your body is grounded. This is where words that are unspoken resonate, and this can give you a powerful healing effect.

Higher Heart Chakra Meaning

The Higher Heart chakra is located in the upper chest where the thymus is located just above the heart chakra and to the right between eh heart and throat chakra.

This chakra is associated with thymus and is one of the glands that help with the womb and the fetus. This gland is also associated with the immune system and has a pattern for DNA and can help to bring karma works into progress.

This can also be called the thymus chakra and helps to work with spiritual love and can help you to reach the divine spirit. This is a concept of love and spiritual development.

The higher heart chakra is called the thymic chakra and relates to relationships, love, forgiveness and can help to release fear if you have any in your life. This is the bridge between your emotions and your intelligence and can help you heal faster and aid in communication.

The chakra is located where the thymus gland is and helps to create a strong healing and builds up the immune system. Working with the Higher heart chakra stones can help you to connect your soul and your physical body.

If you rub that area and you see that it is sore, you need to make sure that your chakra is grounded. You can do meridian tapping and you can know if you are grounded or not.

Healthy Higher Heart Chakra

There are other benefits that can help with this chakra and the Higher Heart chakra helps with the immune system and can help fight infections, especially the flu. This will help you with the thyroid gland and the throat and can help to aid in the energy and healing and the overall physical being.

If you work with the Higher Heart chakra, you can get rid of high blood pressure, and it can help to heal tumors. If you suffer with feelings of being irritated easily, this chakra can be balanced and can help you be calm and sleep better.

The energy from this chakra comes from the throat chakra and can help with communication.

This can be valuable to your life if you have a hard time of letting things go and if you are not able to express your ideas. When you voice your true feelings, this chakra can help the energies flow through your body and can help get rid of headaches.

Energy of the Higher Heart Chakra

Once you work with the energies of this chakra, you will see that you love to be touched and hugged more and that you are able to talk better and communicate more.

The energy that flows will go all through your life and all of your chakras and you will have a higher self-desire. This energy will help you to manifest energies and will be part of the incarnation of the earth through you.

If you wondered what your purpose is, grounding this chakra can help you to figure out exactly what that is. Using the higher heart chakra stones as part of your spiritual practice can help to benefit you, especially if you have neglected this chakra. The earth needs you to elevate your vibrations so it can help you.

Higher Heart Stone Chakras

Before you try any chakra, you should get rid of any negative energies that are in your auric field. You can use the Kyanite for this. One great stone is the Green Kyanite, and the Kyanite can do healing in all of the chakras.

The easiest form of the Kyanite to find is the Blue Kyanite but the Indigo Kyanite is a very effective stone and is great for the Higher Heart chakra. The color of the Kyanite can be different from black to orange to green, but the blue ones are the easiest stones to find.

When you use the Kyanite, you can follow the individual stone list for the Higher Heart chakra, and they can help you with different needs that you have. If you have been using crystals that have helped you with your higher heart chakra, you are likely being called to some kind of action.

People that have surgery in places such their throat or have accidents can use this stone to help them heal plus this stone is great to increase your psychic abilities such as psychic hearing, telepathy, and clairaudience.

If you hold the stones close to the center of the body, it can cause your chakras to be balanced and heal you of past trauma or sickness. This can also help to ground you. You might want to start with your heart chakra because it can help to raise the vibrations of your whole body and all of your chakras.

There are strong vibrations when you want to do healing and all of the chakras come from the higher heart chakra and are stimulated by high vibrational frequencies. As your energies move up, it starts by moving up to the higher chakras from the crown and then goes up to the soul star chakra which is part of the transpersonal chakra.

The energy stones can help to stimulate your life and can ground you and heal you. These stones can help you with your overall spiritual being.

Higher Heart Chakra Stones

There are some stones that are great for the Higher Heart chakra such as pink, turquoise, aqua and green stones. Bright stones also work well. The stones can help in forgiveness, can get rid of fear, and can heal your emotional problems. The crystals that are deep green or deep pink are great for this.

One of the Higher heart chakra stones that is very powerful is the Dioptase which is a turquoise color. The energy of this stone is about forgiveness and compassion, and it can aid you in changes and boost your chakras. These stones are great if you want to help expand your action in your life.

How to Use the Stones

If you want to, you can mediate with these stones to help increase your gifts. The Green Dioptase stone is a great stone if you need to be more forgiving. One great quality to have is forgiveness because this is a powerful emotion and if you cannot deal with it, it can make you have a terrible life.

Some people hold on to negative energies because they cannot forgive and have carried this bondage for many years. When you can activate your thymus chakra, you can learn to let go of these intense feelings and become forgiving.

Another great stone for this is the Pink Tugtupite. This stone can help with the Higher heart chakra and the thymus chakra, which are both associated with the heart.

The Pink Tugtupite opens up the different chakras and helps you to feel love and to be happy. This helps to get rid of negative energies and bring about positive feelings of love and happiness. If you have a lot of grief or sorrow, you can use these stones to get rid of these hard feelings.

How Can the Stone Help You?

Using the stones such as the Rose Quartz crystals or the Pink Morganite can help you to find your divine energy. These are associated with strong feminine power and can help you to grow your energy and let your heart heal.

The earth is always changing and so is the energies and so you will want to boost your vibrations whenever you can and be more spiritual. The pink and green stones that help with the heart chakra will help with the thymus and other parts of your body to help develop your spiritual life and help you to change for the better.

You can activate your higher heart chakra and then you will have assistance with your thoughts, and you can give yourself good feelings and be sorry if you treat people badly and forgiving if they do the same to you.

Higher Heart Crystals

Here are some of the Higher heart crystals that are great to use:

  • Rose Quartz
  • Lilac Lepidolite
  • Pink Tourmaline
  • Rhodonite
  • Jeremejevite
  • Larimar
  • Turquoise
  • Brucite
  • Linarite
  • Emerald
  • Quantum Quattro
  • Chrysoprase
  • Eilate Stone
  • Lepidocrocite
  • Petrified wood
  • Mangano Calcite
  • Aquamarine
  • Witches Fingers
  • Green Calcite
  • Kutnohorite

High Vibrational Stones

  • Scolecite
  • Moldavite
  • Tanzanite
  • Tiffany Stone

Other Crystals

There are other crystals that are not on the above list that can be helpful for the Higher Heart chakra and all of the other chakras as well:

  • Aegirne
  • Ajoite
  • Amegreen
  • Amazonite
  • Angel Phantom Quartz
  • Aragonite Star Clusters
  • Ascension Stones
  • Aurora Quartz
  • Blizzard Stone
  • Gabbro
  • Blue Obsidian
  • Blue Chalcedony
  • Cobaltian
  • Calcite
  • Chrysanthemum Stone
  • Chrysotite
  • Creedite
  • Crocoite
  • Cryolite
  • Danburite
  • Elestial Quartz
  • Euclase
  • Epidote
  • Fuchsite
  • Goethite
  • Golden Rutilated Quartz
  • Golden Healer
  • Green Apatite
  • Green Tourmaline
  • Green Selenite
  • Hiddenite
  • Holley Blue Agate
  • Indicolite Quartz
  • Larvikite
  • Lithium Quartz
  • Lavendar Quartz
  • Malachite
  • Mozarkite
  • Nirvana Quartz
  • Preseli Bluestone
  • Phosphosiderite
  • Paragasite
  • Petalite
  • Phosphosiderite
  • Pink Lazurine
  • Pink Scapolite
  • Pollucite
  • Preseli Bluestone
  • Que Sera
  • Quantum Quattro
  • Seraphinite
  • Shamanite Black Calcite
  • Shiva Lingam
  • Stromatolite
  • Stillbite
  • Transparent Pink Calcite
  • Unakite
  • Vesuvianite
  • Idocrase
  • Vivianite
  • Watermelon Tourmaline
  • Yellow Sapphire
  • Yttrium Fluorite
  • Lavender Fluorite
  • Zircon

Other Tools

There are other tools such as books that can help you to learn more about crystals and your chakras. Make sure you learn as much as you can and that you gather information which can help you to grow.